Sassy Songstress Yarns is a small fiber-arts business located in south-central Wisconsin. We specialize in musically-inspired, hand-dyed yarns as well as handmade wool socks cranked on a circular sock machine. Our yarns are jazzy, bluesy (in more ways than one), they pop, and will make your heart sing and your needles and hooks work together in beautiful harmonies. Our socks are classical in composition, perhaps, but they sure rock. They’ll keep your tapping toes toasty.

The Songstress, Erin, is a long-time knitter and crocheter and even longer-time pianist and singer. As a semi-professional musician from a pleasantly geeky musical family, she has music constantly running through her head and she sings while she works. And while she’s not working. Almost all the time, really. She uses her music as inspiration for her dyeing.

The sock machine, Cecil, is a Gearhart circular sock machine born in 1914 in Pennsylvania. Little is known about his early years, but in 2016 he was discovered by an eBay seller who specializes in sock machines, cleaned up, and sold to the Songstress, who has given it a new home and lots of wool to knit.